DOS Infotech believes that by empowering our clients through capacity building and training, we empower ourselves. Capacity Buliding & Training always remains a major component of our approach for any type of project implementation.
We strive to develop user friendly systems which can be easily managed and used for daily use purposes by our clients after proper training and handholding. Through our training program our clients become acquainted with the functionalities of the system and how to use them to the best of their advantages.
Our training and capacity building program includes distribution of structured User manual document, face to face training of officials for conceptual understanding about the domain/s involved, understanding the application, report generation and its use for planning and monitoring purposes.
Our handholding approach does not end after imparting the stipulated training programme associated with the software life cycle. During maintenance we always try to accommodate our client’s need of understanding and using the system either through virtual classroom or direct classes (if required).
Apart from our own developed solution we also train our clients on GIS software like ArcGIS, Erdas, Mapinfo, Grass, QGIS and Autodesk (AutoCAD, AutoCAD Map) as per our client’s requirement.